House restumping is done for homes that are built on a type of concrete pillar that holds them up from the ground. When these pillars get soft and start to crumble and crack, they need repair or replacement. During a house restumping job, those pillars or stumps are either given an added layer of concrete to make them solid and secure, or more likely, they are taken out and new, stronger pillars are put in place. If you're concerned about the pillars or stumps under your home, note a few questions you might have about this restumping process and then discuss these with a contractor for more information overall.
1. If you cannot see the stumps, how do you know they need replacing or repair?
If you cannot perform a visual inspection of the stumps under your home, you might note if there are spongy floors or floors that seem to feel soft under your feet. This is a sign that the home has shifted in certain areas and the floors are not as solid as they should be. Cracks in the walls or ceiling as well as doors that don't hang straight and windows that don't close properly can also mean that your home is sinking in one area because of soft or damaged concrete pillars and stumps.
You might also note if you can consistently hear your house creaking; this can mean that it is settling or shifting. The creaking can be when you walk across the floor or it can happen at any time, as the house shifts slightly.
2. Won't new stumps or pillars just get soft and crack as well?
Very often restumping is needed for stumps under older homes that have suffered damage due to age, but it is also needed because of being made of poor-quality concrete that is likely to break down over time. Stumps and pillars that are in use today and which might be used as a replacement may be made of steel, or of other materials that make them stronger. This will ensure that your restumping job should last for years if not decades.
3. Does the house need to be vacated during the process?
This will be up to each individual contractor as to how they need to work and the extent of the work, but in most cases, they can handle a restumping job without you needing to leave the house for any length of time. You may need to ensure kids and pets are kept indoors or away from the area of work, but it's not typically necessary that you leave the home completely.