Signs Of A Faulty Roof Ventilation And Guidelines To Help You Prevent Roof Ventilation Problems

Poor roof ventilation is evident from some of the damages it causes on your roofing. It's important to carry out recommended maintenance and inspection of your roof so as to spot signs of poor ventilation in good time. Below are tips and guidelines to help you understand signs of faulty roof ventilation and solutions to these problems.

Buildup of Ice dams  

Ice dams are flakes of icicles that hang off along the edges of your roofing. If the ice dam buildup on your roof is intense, you will see the ice dams while standing outside your house. However, don't wait for the ice dams to be visible use a ladder and go up the roof to inspect the presence of ice accumulation. Otherwise, call a professional to check if your roof has ice dam buildup.

If roof ventilation in your house is faulty, it will lead to poor heat circulation. As a result, snow and moisture on the roof melts and freezes irregularly causing the icicles buildup. Faulty ventilation can result from a damaged ventilation system or insufficient ventilation. Call a professional to fix any damages, add vents or replace your ventilation system.

Attic Overheating

Faulty roof ventilation will lead to accumulation of heat in the attic. You can check whether your attic is overheating by touching your ceiling. A hot ceiling means that air circulation in the attic is poor. You will easily notice the problem of overheating in summer, so it's best to check the condition of your ceiling at this time.

Remember that different roof designs require different types of roof ventilation systems. Make sure that the ventilation system you're using is the best fit for your type of roofing. Poor roof ventilation planning can easily encourage the buildup of heat. Expertise is required in planning attic air circulation and in ensuring that the air exchange rate is right for the size of your roof so hire an expert.

Attic Moisture Buildup

Faulty roof ventilation is associated with moisture buildup in the attic. The Family Handyman advises that you can tell if your attic has moisture buildup by checking if there is frost hanging off the roofing in your attic, especially during winter. During summer, moisture buildup in the attic is evident from mildew growth on wood or any signs of wood rot, such as blackened wood.

Another sure sign of moisture damage in your attic, you can check if the others are not evident, is rust buildup on metallic parts. Check the nails used and any metal plates for rust. If you notice any of the signs above, it's best to hire a professional to identify and rectify the ventilation problem that may be present.

Good roof ventilation will not only regulate atmospheric conditions in your home, but it will also prolong the lifespan of your roofing.
